Government of Uttar Pradesh

नगर निगम मथुरा वृन्दावन

Helpline Number: 18001803580

Important Notices
Mayor Message
Shri Vinod Agarwal

Mayor, Mathura-Vrindavan

Nagar Nigam is improving day-by-day by focusing on all major areas. With the advent of digital age, it is only appropriate that we use Internet to make our lives easy.This site will provide every information related to Mathura-Vrindavan Nagar Nigam.

Commissioner Message
Shri Shashank Chaudhary

Municipal Commissioner

Every Municipal Corporation in India is administratively headed by a Municipal Commissioner, who is the de facto head of the municipal corporation, the form of government which is usually granted to a city of more one million in population. While a mayor is elected to serve as the titular head of a municipal corporation, a municipal commissioner is appointed by the state government from the Indian Administrative Service and mostly from State Civi... Read More




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